Our Fees

Wamberal Surgery Fees

At Wamberal Surgery, our aim is to provide the best medical care and service to our patients.

Due to rising costs and current medicare rebate not rising with inflation and covering expenses, GP’s at the practice will no longer be able to Bulk Bill. Children under 16 and pensioners/health concession card holders will have an out of pocket fee for a medical appointment. Routine childhood immunisations with developmental health checks, GP management plans and their reviews and health assessments will continue to be Bulk Billed.

The GP’s at the practice are tenants, paying a service fee for the use of the practice services and will often set their own fees. The out of pocket for most medical services will be $40-$50 and your individual doctor will discuss this with you. It is with great sadness that the GP’s are unable to continue to subsidise the costs of medical consultations.

Please register and check your medicare safety net as once you are over the threshold, you and/or your family will be able to receive a higher rebate from medicare. Click Here

At Wamberal Surgery, our aim is to provide the best medical care and service to our patients.  The doctors are attentive to your needs and are committed to explaining your health issues clearly.

If there is anything you do not understand, please ask your doctor before you leave the surgery.

The fees are structured to reflect:

  • the time spent with your doctor
  • the complexity of your issues, and
  • any procedures performed, with your consultation.

Veteran patients will be billed to DVA.

Workers Compensation patients are billed through their insurance companies once a claim number and details of your claim have been received.

If you are suffering from financial difficulties, please let us know as the doctors are sensitive to such situations and are willing to assist where possible.

If you are bulk billed on any occasion, please recognise that this may not be the case at another time